Project Description
FireStoreOnline is an E-commerce organization that has been the top of their game in supplying first respondents with the gear they need to perform optimally in the field. When we first consulted the organization, they were seeking to provide more value and reach more civil service agents. To do so, the organization was in need of a Google Shopping Pay Per Click campaign restructure that was more cost effective and efficient to produce an increase in their return on investment.
FireStoreOnline has been an established online organization for nearly 20 years. With that in mind, our goal was to take a deep dive in to their analytics to identify key trends within past and current marketing strategies as well as consumer behavior. In the age of Data Technology, the key to our success was to use this data to develop effective pay per click campaigns and ensure that all of the elements of search engine optimization were in place.
After sifting through loads of data, we decided to place our focus on 200 of their best performing products and structure our campaigns around those goods. We conducted primary market research using sophisticated software to identify high performing key words and get a feel for the competitors bidding structures and ad groups (keyword structures).
The Process
Provide Value

Our approach enabled the organization to see results within 30 days!